Life on pause...with a little help from the Tarot

four card tarot spread

In the traditional tarot deck, there are 22 major arcana cards out of 78 cards in total. The major arcana is often referred to as major life lessons, karmic transitions or intense archetypal themes playing out in our lives.

I chose four major arcana cards that symbolize themes of going within, meditation, quietness, solitude, surrender and that which is hidden or unknown.

II The High Priestess- “cultivate inner stillness”

IX The Hermit- “spend time in solitude seeking clarity”

XII The Hanged One- “let go of attachment to ego and surrender to what is”

XVII The Moon- “All is not as it seems, fear, secrets, insecurities”

When life gets difficult, as it often does at one time or another, we are stopped in our tracks and feel our lives are stuck. We may judge ourselves harshly because we feel that are unable to keep up. Our culture in general does not consider periodic sabbaticals, solo journeys to restore clarity and waiting for the right time ideal. Rather, we are conditioned to keep moving forward at the pace we are accustomed to. If we ignore these messages, we burn out and can become ill, depressed and unmotivated.

If one or more of these major arcana cards show up in your readings, personal or professional, you can rest assured that the current pause in your life is exactly where you are meant to be.

As difficult as it can be at times, life prescribes us a pause to ultimately align with our values, purpose and authenticity. You are perfectly OK. The one constant in life is change, and you can be sure a new cycle is on the horizon.

*Cards from Ember and Aura Tarot


JUPITER IN PISCES- The Return of Hope


Tarot for Self Care