The Cosmic Weather for August by Carol

Wow, July 2024 was a rocky month for me and I am glad it’s over! August is very dynamic, however, it is not as tense and unpredictable as July. An astrology consultation helps one both harness opportunities or navigate challenges with wisdom and deep insights. By understanding the energies in your natal blueprint, one can align with self-acceptance and personal growth.

We start the month on August 2, 2024 with transiting Venus in Leo square off with Uranus in Taurus. This is an auspicious time, because the planet Venus rules the Uranus and Jupiter conjunction we had on April 21, 2024 in Taurus. This is suggestive that whatever's been brewing beneath the surface or gestating is going to be made conscious or revealed. The Jupiter- Uranus conjunction was a revolutionary alignment. The planet Venus as the ruler of this planetary lineup, in challenging aspect to Uranus, can reveal sudden or disruptive events. Check out the house where this conjunction happened in your natal chart. Also check the houses that both Jupiter and Uranus and Venus rule, and lastly check out the natal chart house that your natal Venus resides in for more information as to what this is about personally for oneself.

The New Moon in Leo and the Mercury retrograde cycle this month occur on the same day on August 4, 2024. Mercury will station retrograde at 4 degrees of Virgo and go back through Leo until it stations direct at 21 degrees of Leo. This significant synchronicity at 12° of Leo is the exact same degree that Venus stationed direct Last summer on September 3, 2023. It is also within one degree that Mercury is later stationing direct at the end of August. This is also the same degree of the Venus retrograde and Sun Cazimi alignment last summer on August 13, 2023 ! A Sun Venus Cazimi begins a 584 day cycle with Venus symbolizing the heart of the matter. This is where we come face-to-face with our hearts desires, values and priorities. I personally experienced this Venus Sun alignment last August on my natal 19 degree Leo rising Ascendant (major angle in birth chart representing self and relationships) in my natal birth chart. In the Leo house of our individual charts is where we can ask ourselves what was happening at this time last year, and what is possibly being revisited now during the month of August. This cycle of Mercury Stationing direct on August 28, 2024 is going to tie this all together.

The New Moon in Leo can indeed prompt us to reflect on our desires and creativity, while the Mercury retrograde invites us to reconsider and reassess past decisions. Mercury rules over communication, transport, travel and technology. We may experience delays as we are being asked to go with the flow during this three week period. Remember the RE words….reconsider, reconstruct, reconnect, revise, redo….check out where the Mercury retrograde cycle is happening in your birth chart to understand its impact personally. For example, it’s occurring in my first house, and stationing direct within 2 degrees of my Leo Ascendant. It will be different for each of us individually how this will impact our experiences.

Mars entered the intellectual, adaptable and social air sign Gemini on July 20,2024. It will conjoin expansive Jupiter at 16 degrees of Gemini on August 14, 2024, and will square Saturn in Pisces, indicating a mix of bold adventure, frenetic mental energy, restlessness and possibly impulsive actions. The Jupiter Saturn square is action oriented for the long game. Jupiter aligned with Saturn started a 200-year cycle in air signs at 0 degrees Aquarius back in December 2020. Where is this degree in your natal chart? Which house and what aspects does it make to your natal planets? Pluto is currently transiting 0 degrees Aquarius since last year and may bring up powerful, intense themes personal to our natal birth charts. This started your personal seed point for the next 20 years in 2020. For example, back in December 2000, we experienced this conjunction in Taurus in my tenth house of career. This is when I put myself out there as a full time professional astrologer. Our visions and life plans empower us during this initial conjunction and build over the next 20 years.

We have a Full Moon at 27 degrees of Aquarius on August 19, 2024. During this Full Moon Mercury retrograde will align with the Sun at 27 degrees of Leo, and this lunation makes a tense square to Uranus in Taurus. This alignment suggests restlessness, urgency and a need to break free from restrictions. Tempers may flare during this time. It’s best to remain in the eye of the storm.

The Sun enters Virgo on August 22, 2024.

On August 28, 2024 Mercury stations direct at 21 degrees of Leo.

Venus enters Libra on August 29, 2024.

August 2024 brings significant astrological activity, highlighted by a dynamic New Moon in Leo and a Mercury retrograde period emphasizing review and reflection. Key alignments involving Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn suggest a high-energy month with moments of bold action tempered by practical constraints. The Full Moon in Aquarius introduces an urgent to break free from limitations. These celestial alignments invite us to closely examine the energy in the Leo house of our natal birth charts and prepare for changes in matters of the heart, creativity, communication, travel and technology.


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The Meaning of Pluto Transits