July Astrology Forecast - 2024

Hello Beautiful Souls,

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It’s been quite the journey for me personally over the last year. I lost my last immediate family member, my father, last June 2023. This happened after many years of caregiving and loss. Within a mere few weeks, I experienced my first relapse of chronic Lyme disease in 18 years! I am finally figuring out as a highly sensitive and empathic person what is working and not working for my wellbeing. I am experiencing three challenging Pluto transits and one Uranus transit simultaneously to my natal birth chart. I have had to protect and conserve my energy to find my way back to a new normal so to speak. I will speak more about this in an article I will be writing soon.

July 2024 is an active month astrologically speaking! We start the month with both Saturn and Neptune stationing retrograde in sensitive, feeling Pisces. Neptune is transiting 29 degrees of Pisces, an anaretic degree which represents the culmination of Neptune’s journey through the sign symbolizing emotional sensitivity, creative inspiration, and spiritual awakening. The other more challenging side of the Pisces spectrum can involve addiction, deception, confusion and escapism. Pisces energy is intuitive and very much attuned to what’s going on beneath the surface. This is not the time to let our egos run the show. We are being asked to approach our life circumstances from an intuitive or soul level, as we work through all the contradictions of life.

Saturn retrograde asks us to retrace our steps in areas related to authority, boundaries and the foundational structures of our lives. What needs to be restructured, solidified, fortified or reconsidered? Saturn transiting through Pisces can be destabilizing at times. The lines can be blurred between fantasy and reality or idealism versus realism. On the other hand, we are challenged to turn a dream into a reality. Trust there is a divine unfolding going on during this time.

With Neptune stationing in Pisces at the same time and a New Moon on July 5, 2024 in the nostalgic water sign Cancer, we are going to be FEELING ALL THE FEELINGS. This is a good time to slow down, nurture ourselves and spend time near water if possible.

Starting early through later in July, the planets Mercury, Venus and the Sun enter 0 degrees of fire sign Leo, July 3, July 11 and July 22, 2024 respectively. Though Leo is usually a creative, playful, dramatic and fun loving energy, these planets will oppose (challenge aspect) intense and powerful planet Pluto at 0 Aquarius initially. This can bring confrontation, power struggles and passionate exchanges to be dealt with. More positively, Pluto helps us to face our shadows and confront our fears with courage and determination. This transformational energy teaches us to be who we really are when in our truth.

We have a Mars and Uranus conjunction at 26 degrees of Taurus occurring on 7/15, symbolizing volatility, unpredictability, impulsiveness, rebellion and sudden, unpredictable behavior or circumstances. It’s a “do it my way” kind of energy. This duo can also bring excitement, risk taking and groundbreaking innovation. This alignment can be active a few days leading up to 7/15. We may likely see related circumstances playing out on the world stage in the media.

We have a Full Moon in the last degree of Capricorn on July 21st at 29 degrees…auspicious final degree of this zodiac sign. This Full Moon will harmoniously aspect Neptune in Pisces, followed by a conjunction to Pluto. This Full Moon then moves into 0 degrees Aquarius which when aligned with Pluto can bring up insecurities, deeply felt emotions or possibly compulsions that would benefit from allowing things to surface with awareness and understanding at the same time. This suggests themes of ambition, effort and working on something extraordinary and important to our personal goals, dreams, and aspirations.

On 7/26/24, Chiron stations retrograde in fire sign Aries, continuing Neptune’s theme of sensitivity and healing. However, in the sign of Aries, it’s related to our wounded sense of self, identity, will and personal power.

I pulled an Oracle card for July 2024 from The Oracle of Awakening by Lalania Simone. Picture below…


“You are the anchor of your own peace”  “Being centered is often referred to as a state of emotional and spiritual equilibrium. It allows you to be accepting of the positive and negative experiences that happen in life…When this card comes into your life, it is an invitation to return to your center point to access balance, peace and clarity.”

I am opening my bookings in mid July for astrology readings. Appointments will be limited through mid August. 


The Meaning of Pluto Transits


The Annual Solar Return Birthday Chart