The Annual Solar Return Birthday Chart

how to read a solar return chart

Every year, close to my birthday on October 14, I study my solar return chart for the major themes which are revealed in my birthday chart. The solar return chart occurs every year when the transiting Sun returns to the exact degree and minute in our birth charts. The transits at that moment in time form a new chart called the solar return birthday chart which lasts until the next birthday year. It is a wonderful chart to guide us through the upcoming year. I have studied my solar returns for decades and they are always very revealing and validating. It’s one of my favorite tools in my astrological toolkit!

Key points to study how to read a solar return chart:

What house (12 houses in chart) is the solar return Sun in and what house does it rule (house with Leo on the cusp)?

What are the aspects to the Sun in this chart?

Is there an eclipse, New or Full Moon or stationing planet at this time?

Are there planets on any of the four major angles of life developments?

Is there a grouping (stellium) of planets in one particular house?

What degree is rising in solar return chart and where does that fall in your birth chart (another indicator of major themes that year)?

The years I have had planets on angles have been major, unforgettable years where life changing events occurred, especially when the slow moving, outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were there. With Uranus, there was lightening bolt sudden changes, with Neptune, there was confusion and sacrifice, and with Pluto there was loss of loved ones. Of course there are many ways these placements can play out. There is a spectrum of experiences to consider. Also, Saturn on an angle suggested major responsibilities and hard work in regard to themes relevant to that particular house. Some examples in my birthday charts over the years: When the Sun was in the tenth house of career, my work life was very active that year and I had more clients seeking readings. When the Sun was in the fourth house of foundation and family, family responsibilities and matters of property took precedence. When the Sun was in the ninth house of travel and higher education, I traveled to new places and studied new subjects. When the Sun was in the twelfth house, hospitals, caregiving, spiritual pursuits and increased seclusion were prominent.

It is fascinating to look at your solar returns during eventful years in the past. The symbolism is all there. I have personally found reflecting on my solar returns during difficult years comforting, as I believe there is a higher purpose for our life experiences, and we are here on earth to evolve, learn and grow in this lifetime.

Would you like to explore your very own Solar Return Chart?

I offer a Happy Birthday Solar Return Reading as a way to celebrate your special day (or as a gift for a loved one). A chart cast at this moment summarizes the key themes of your year ahead, and you’ll get a glimpse of upcoming trends and planetary cycles. It’s a powerful way to kick off your new year and celebrate your incarnation, while illuminating the next steps on your path with wisdom about your cosmic purpose.


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