The United States Pluto return - Chaos, Crisis and Evolutionary Change

Understanding the US Pluto Return

The natal birth chart of the United States is experiencing its first Pluto return in 248 years. The US chart was “born” on July 4, 1776. During this time period we had the American revolution and signing of the Declaration of Independence. The US natal Pluto is located in the second house of finances, values and natural resources. A planetary return occurs when a planet transits around a birth chart back to its original house placement, astrological degree and zodiac sign. The return amplifies themes related to the planet symbolism. Though we are already experiencing a Pluto return, the exact alignments are February 2022, July 2022, December 2022 and October 2023. We will feel the effects of this significant return through 2024. Pluto moves very slowly and not one of us will experience a natal Pluto return in our lifetime. Pluto themes are intense: irrevocable change, death ( literal or metaphorical) rebirth, corruption, power struggles, financial losses, sickness, taboos and secrets. On a higher spectrum, we can experience empowered transformation and become stronger and more resilient than ever before.

Pluto has been transiting earth sign Capricorn since 2008 and will not enter Aquarius until 2024. Capricorn themes are leadership, business, government, long established structures (societal and actual buildings), rules and regulations, work ethic, financial institutions and traditional educational systems. We have and will continue to see radical transformation in these areas. In addition, with Uranus currently transiting Taurus (earth resources) in challenge square aspect to Saturn in Aquarius during 2021, we can expect sudden upheavals and rebellion in regard to climate change and established structures.

When we as individuals, experience a major Pluto transit (not return) in our birth charts, we leave some part of our past behind. The hope is, when we look back at our experience of that life passage, we realize how much we have evolved, and became a more empowered self. We no longer focus on the losses, we instead move into the future with resilience and inner strength. A more commonly known and experienced return is our Saturn return which occurs every 29 years. This return is NO comparison to a Pluto return, however, we experience themes of maturity in the Saturn ruled area of our birth charts. Saturn rules the sign of Capricorn, and during Saturn returns, we make big decisions such as going back to school, getting married, getting divorced, having children or changing our careers to name a few.

When transiting Saturn hit the US Pluto in February 2020, COVID was spreading across the country. A Saturn-Pluto transit so close to a Pluto return suggested hard times in society with stark reality checks. However, It’s not all doom and gloom. We are alive during a pivotal time in history when we can leave behind the corruption and chaos of the past, and embrace transformed values through hard work, dedication and not losing faith. We are evolving and consequences cannot be avoided. Pluto will never accept any compromises. We must focus on the longer term vision even though the world appears to be in complete disruption at this time. Pluto will enter air sign Aquarius in 2024, ushering in a whole new era focused on collective ideals, revolutionary individuals and communities helping move humanity forward. This should prove to be a notable time period of personal freedom, discovery and exploration.


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