The Annual Solar Return Birthday Chart
Every year, close to my birthday on October 14, I study my solar return chart for the major themes which are revealed in my birthday chart.
The United States Pluto return - Chaos, Crisis and Evolutionary Change
The natal birth chart of the United States is experiencing its first Pluto return in 248 years.
Powerful Astrology in Action - The Birth Chart and Transits of Britney Spears Natal Chart as She Speaks Out Against Conservatorship
We can learn a lot by studying the birth charts of famous individuals who are experiencing major life events or dramatic transformation. Britney Spears is one excellent example to witness the unfolding of her planetary cycles and the effects on her life.
Major Astrology Aspect of 2021 - Saturn square Uranus
At the time of this writing, the planets Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus are in a 90 degree (square) challenging angle to each other on June 14, 2021.
JUPITER IN PISCES- The Return of Hope
The supportive and benevolent planet Jupiter entered water sign Pisces on May 13, 2021. It will re-enter Aquarius one final time on July 28, 2021 when retrograde, and then enter Pisces again on December 29, 2021 through most of 2022.