Powerful Astrology in Action - The Birth Chart and Transits of Britney Spears Natal Chart as She Speaks Out Against Conservatorship

Britney Spears Natal Chart Analysis

We can learn a lot by studying the birth charts of famous individuals who are experiencing major life events or dramatic transformation. Britney Spears natal chart analysis is one excellent example to witness the unfolding of her planetary cycles and the effects on her life.

The planets Saturn, Uranus and Pluto are currently major players in her evolutionary life journey. Back in January 2020, the life altering Saturn-Pluto conjunction at 22 degrees of Capricorn not only occurred in her fourth house of home, family, roots and the father, it also conjoined her South Node in Capricorn. Let’s start with Pluto. Pluto by transit takes approximately 248 years to travel around the birth chart. Most of us will never experience Pluto transiting our South Node in this lifetime. The South Node is not a planet, rather it is one of two destiny points that are in exact opposition to each other. The other point being the North Node in Cancer in her tenth house of career, vocational aspirations, fame and reputation. The South Node symbolizes gifts and/or challenges we have entered into this lifetime with. It’s often referred to as a “karmic letting go of the past” point in the birth chart. Pluto symbolizes death and rebirth, transformation, the dark night of the soul, grief, loss and also major, life changing power struggles. Her power struggle is with her father (fourth house), over control of her life (Capricorn) and her finding the courage to get out the control pattern and move forward with her own life (South Node). We are never the same after a major Pluto transit. Once it’s over (can take approximately 2 plus years), we cannot go back to the past. The only way is to keep moving forward.


Transiting Pluto is also conjoining her natal Venus at the time of this writing on July 19, 2021 (love, relationships, values, money) in the fourth house of the home, family inheritance and father. Pluto is also squaring her natal Pluto in first house of identity (a cycle symbolizing profound change and potential power and control issues). This is because in her natal birth chart, Britney has Venus in a very close square to Pluto, suggesting intense life lessons around these very circumstances she is confronting. Venus is a personal planet and anyone who’s experienced this cycle will never forget this passage and how their life changed forever. The changes for Britney during this cycle have everything to do with power struggles in her family, in particular, with her father. The ruler of her Venus in Capricorn is Saturn in her first house of public persona and identity. This tells us immediately she is a very determined, hardworking woman who has aimed to please her family (Saturn in Libra, Libra rising and ruler Venus in fourth house).

We could go into much more detail here, but to try and keep things concise, let’s now look at the current Saturn in Aquarius in square to Uranus aspect through 2021. Transiting Saturn, symbolizing the father figure, maturity, sobering emotional circumstances and emotional bonding with women, children or family is conjoining her natal Moon in Aquarius in her fifth house of creativity and children. The Saturn cycle is a 29 year cycle around the birth chart. In this particular year, she also has transiting Uranus in Taurus in her eighth house of shared resources, square her natal Moon. The Uranus cycle by transit around the birth chart is eighty four years. This is a double whammy transit- cycle to the soft spot in our chart...our emotional security planet the natal Moon. Uranus symbolizes tension, unexpected changes, rebellion and individuality.

I wish Britney the best as she moves through this very challenging time in her life.


The United States Pluto return - Chaos, Crisis and Evolutionary Change


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