Major Astrology Aspect of 2021 - Saturn square Uranus

Saturn Square Uranus 2021

At the time of this writing, the planets Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus are in a 90 degree (square) challenging angle to each other on June 14, 2021. There are three square aspects this year. We experienced the Saturn square Uranus first on February 17, 2021. The final square will be on December 24, 2021.

We are now experiencing the second intense face off between planets representing very different energies and agendas. Saturn is established structures, order, rules, regulations, conservative views and old ways of doing things. Uranus, on the other hand, is all about change, reform, unrest, progressive movements and new ways of doing things. Basically, this aspect is the pressure to change meets resistance.

This aspect will play out in both our personal lives and in the greater collective. In regard to our personal lives, it depends upon where Saturn and Uranus are transiting in our natal birth charts, and any aspects they are making to our natal planets. In the collective, we should expect to see continued political and social unrest, and the updating of new realities and traditions. We will also experience continued
climate change challenges with Uranus transiting in earth sign Taurus.

It is helpful to understand this planetary aspect is cyclical, and occurs approximately every 22 years. It is “asking” us to wake up
certain areas of lives needing change, face our obstacles head on and break away from stagnant circumstances and/or relationships. If something isn’t working properly, it’s time to try new methods and strategies to remedy the situation. Health wise, it’s important to pay attention to our bones, teeth, circulation and nervous system.

This aspect will be triggered by the faster moving planet Mars throughout this year. This is when we feel the old versus new very strongly.

Key dates going forward: July 1, July 3, October 10, November 10, November 17 and the final square on December 24, 2021.

This is a beneficial cycle to put the sustained effort in making positive life changes.


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