My Life as a 6/2 Splenic Projector (Orchestrator) in Human Design

splenic projector

When I learned I was a Projector in the Human Design system, many things clicked into place. The information I learned enhanced and further explained what I already knew about my natal astrology chart.

There are five main types in Human Design: Generator, Manifesting Generator, Manifestor, Projector and Reflector. Projectors make up approximately 20 percent of the population. Projectors do not have a defined sacral, nor do they have a motor to the throat. Basically this means we projectors do not have consistent access to work force energy such as the typical 9-5 daily grind. Rather, we are designed to work in spurts and then rest. If we push ourselves to be like the other types who have this consistent energy, we will burn out and crash. This is exactly what happened to me when I fell seriously ill with chronic Lyme Disease in 2004. I learned projectors are more at risk for autoimmune diseases if they do not follow their type and strategy. We are not here to work in the traditional way. It is not because we are lazy, it is because we simply don’t have the same energy for work as generators. Our strategy is wait to be invited. This waiting is for the big things in life such as love, career, home and so on.

In my unique Human Design chart, I have a defined spleen center to a defined throat. I also have the 57-20 channel which is all about speaking in the now my intuitive wisdom. I just know things without knowing how or why I know them. The definition to my throat center gives me the advantage to consistently speak my intuition.

As a 6/2 profile (hermit versus role model), I will find myself needing seclusion at times before I am ready to come out and share my wisdom with others. The gifts as a projector are managing and directing others, insightfulness, intuitiveness and the ability to focus energy to accomplish great things. The challenges are knowing when enough is enough, and taking the needed time to recuperate and heal. Most Projectors will crash around the age of 40 if they are acting as generators. I crashed at 41 years old.

We Projectors are here to be wise about humanity. We are deeply sensitive to the energy of others. We need naps and downtime. We do best with gentle work outs and honoring our unique energy patterns. We need periods of solitude until we are called out once again to share our wisdom.


Major Astrology Aspect of 2021 - Saturn square Uranus


JUPITER IN PISCES- The Return of Hope