Astrology Chart of Swan Sighting and Connection to the Other Side

I woke up at 5:18 AM and looked out the window and I saw five swans in a vertical row gliding down the bay outside my bedroom window. In all the decades I have lived at this location, I have never seen a single swan glide by ever. I lost five immediate family members over the last decade, my father being the most recent June 2023. It wasn’t a dream—although it felt like one. June 16, 2024, was the first Father’s Day without my father in my life. He passed away on June 20, 2023, at 93 years old. I was feeling especially sad that weekend, missing him deeply. A girlfriend had visited me, having just gone to see a medium to try to connect with her own deceased father. The medium told her that she would receive a sign. If it didn’t come from her, it would come from someone else, even if it was for both of us. I found that idea fascinating.

I noted the time of the swan sighting and created an astrological chart from it. I also remembered a book called The Sabian Symbols by Linda Hill, which offers insights into 360 symbols for each degree of the zodiac. Looking at the chart, I saw Virgo sitting on the cusp of the 4th house, which represents the father, family lineage, and ancestry. According to Hill, the symbol for 2° Virgo is "Two Guardian Angels Bringing Protection." This symbol signifies that you are protected, guided, and directed, helping you find your true path. It encourages a sense of inner strength, knowing that you're never alone—especially in times of stress or indecision. Your angels are always with you, but you must remember to thank them for their guidance. Often, help arrives just when you need it, in the form of people who have your best interests at heart, or even through your own inner guidance.” I found this interpretation absolutely beautiful and incredibly comforting.

I shared this with my friend, who had recently lost her father and four of her uncles. She was hoping to hear from the "five swans" during her medium reading. A medium, of course, is someone who can connect to the other side. This experience resonated deeply with both of us, as I had lost all five of my immediate family members over the span of fourteen years, including my son. The comfort we found in these astrologcial symbols and messages was profound.

Later, I returned to my astrology chart and noticed something interesting in the 4th house of family and lineage: the asteroid Juno at 13° Virgo. Juno represents deep bonding and commitment, and its symbol is "Finely Lettered Names and Mysterious Lines," suggesting a family tree. This shows deep connections, not only to our families but also to our ancestors. The sense of belonging, whether to a family by blood or to a larger human family, brings great strength. It reminds us that the knowledge passed down through generations can guide us, even during difficult times.”

This symbolizes a strong family heritage, and though it may include people outside our bloodline, they are "family" nonetheless. Traditions, stories, and connections to our origins help us understand where we come from and where we’re going. The symbol and meaning of Juno at 13° Virgo was yet another confirmation that the swan sighting was a gift from my father and family on Father’s Day.

When looking at the chart for the swan sighting, I saw Mercury—ruler of the 4th house of family and ancestry—conjoined with the 1st house cusp, representing me. This indicated communication directed at me. Venus, the planet of love, rules both Taurus and Libra. Taurus is the ruler of the 12th house which is associated with the collective unconscious and connections to other realms. The 5th house, ruled by Libra, speaks to the expression of love. The Sun at 25° Gemini rules the 3rd house of communication, making this alignment feel especially auspicious. Combined together, this means a communication of love from the other side, relating to family.

Swans, often associated with the zodiac sign Libra, symbolize purity, renewal, water, emotions, love, and transformation. Their appearance is considered an auspicious and mystical omen. As a Libra sun sign myself, I was deeply grateful to experience this swan sighting on Father’s Day this year.


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