Daily Tarot Card Pull for January 24th

I have been avoiding social media for a long time now.  I am very much turned off by all the competing algorithms and intense pressure to speak and promote myself when all I want sometimes is to simply be quiet. 

Personally, my progressed Moon has been moving through my twelfth house for approximately two years now.  This astrological house is all about retreat, dreams, reflection, solitude, behind the scenes creativity and endings before new beginnings.  I look forward to its emergence into my first house of identity, self expression and new beginnings late spring of this year.  In addition, the Mars retrograde has been percolating in my twelfth house creating a strong desire for space and time to contemplate what actions I want to take, and what needs to be let go of going forward.  Mars is all about courage, assertiveness, ambition and passion to act on our goals and desires.  A retrograde cycle encourages us to contemplate and possibly re-evaluate what and where we want to invest ourselves on an energetic level.

One of daily (or most days) practices is to pull one to three tarot cards each morning for my day. This practice is ideal for my personal twelfth house, as I also have natal Mars and North Node together in Leo in my birth chart.  For astrologers who may read this, I am experiencing three Mars returns during this retrograde process while simultaneously, transiting Pluto is opposing my natal Mars !   It has been a big deal to say the least.

Today I am sharing my three card pull from this morning’s practice:

The Seven of Pentacles, The Moon, and Temperance

The Seven of pentacles is taking stock of what’s been accomplished so far and contemplating where to go next.  It’s about introspection, inner wisdom, contemplating risk and reward before making informed decisions.
Pythagorean numerology considers the number 7 to be a very spiritual number as it contains 3 (spirituality) + 4 (the physical world). 
The Moon is ruled by Pisces, which is very much about the realm of twelfth house experiences…dreams, the subconscious, secrets, solitude, primal instincts, creativity and sometimes sacrifice.

Temperance card shows angel pouring one cup into another, trying to find the right balance between the two substances.  This requires patience and moderation.  It’s about uniting opposites and finding harmony. 

I am available for readings if you would like to explore your own journey.

Heather LaCroix