Neptune in Pisces aligns with the North Node in Pisces….an unprecedented alignment!
The Nodes in astrology are invisible points where the energy of the Sun and the Moon align to predict the eclipses. They are symbolic of our personal karma and dharma, fate and destiny, as well as important happenings on the world stage.
The North Node in Pisces is now aligned with Neptune in Pisces. This initiates themes of major karmic significance and destiny, both personally and on a collective level. The Nodes change signs every 18 months, however, the last time transiting Neptune in Pisces (a 164 year cycle around the zodiac) conjoined the North Node in Pisces was the year 1858! Looking back historically, this was during the Romantic era when there was a collective movement that saw art, music, literature, mysticism and spirituality come to the forefront. Poetry, art, music and philosophy expressed a deep range of human emotions. Also, this was considered a time of the Great Awakening characterized by a very active increase in missionary work, the abolishing of slavery, more attention to women’s rights, and increasing awareness of spirituality. The year 1858 was marked by widespread prayer meetings and conversions.
The Nodes in a birth chart consist of the the South and North Nodes, also called Rahu and Ketu in Vedic astrology. Each symbolizing the head and tail of a dragon. The nodes are always in opposite signs, where natural gifts, talents, wisdom, habitual patterns and unfinished business from the past (South Node) are seeking to evolve and grow through new, uncharted and unfamiliar territory represented by the zodiac sign of the North Node. The North Node challenges us to take action, and surrender to not knowing all the answers. We are challenged to trust the process of life unfolding in unexpected ways. The North Node symbolizes our soul’s calling ….the yearning to go towards exploring what has not been done before.
Pisces is all about transcendence, imagination, art, music, spirituality, dreams and a yearning for meaning and connection, and the drive to dissolve boundaries and understanding the interconnectedness of all life forms and beyond. Neptune, the modern ruler of Pisces rules the ocean. I often say that a Pisces transit is a dissolver of certainty, but ideally an expander of consciousness.
On the other end of the Pisces spectrum, we need to recognize that the urge to merge can lead toward unhealthy tendencies such as drug and alcohol addiction. It’s another way to escape the harshness of a reality that is ego based and full of countless dramas. There can be confusion, vulnerability, disillusionment, deception and all the other frailties of being human.
When Neptune leaves Pisces and aligns with Saturn at the 0 degree Aries point this spring, we will all feel a major shift. It will go back into late degrees of Pisces for a few months and settle into Aries in early 2026. This planetary combination combines realism with idealism which can bring a variety of outcomes. Ideally, Aries is the courageous warrior archetype who pursues dreams with a bold, unstoppable vision of what could lead to a more authentic way of being.