Tarot pull for the week of 2/24/25

The planet Mars is finally stationing Direct tonight on 2/23/25 at 9 PM ET.  Mars is the planet symbolizing action and assertiveness.  It’s been retrograde in the water sign of Cancer which has been a challenge for many of us.  I already feel an energy shift though it will take several days for the momentum to build.  However, Venus, the planet symbolizing love, relationships, beauty, values and finances Is soon to station retrograde on 3/1/25. 

The Seven of Wands, The King of Pentacles,  The Nine of Cups,
The Five of Pentacles, 
The Fountain

The first three cards are the major themes of my week ahead.  The last two represent my biggest challenge this week as well as a gift or grace I will experience this week.

The Seven of Wands is a fire element card that symbolizes unstoppable drive and determination against all odds.  This card, coincidentally, is ruled by the planet Mars. This is hopeful to me because I have been feeling under the weather for several weeks. Mars has been traversing through my twelfth house of the subconscious, dreams, places of retreat and the collective unconscious.  I have had a long period of insomnia and it’s been extremely frustrating.   

The King of Pentacles is about practicality as well as material and spiritual stability. The sign Taurus is associated with this card.  Taurus is a grounded and stable earth sign, especially when the Moon is placed there in a birth chart.  My natal Moon is exalted at 0 degrees of Taurus, located in my ninth house, and it’s been the ruler of the Mars retrograde in cancer.  This card suggests I will be cultivating self-control and self-discipline this week. 

The nine of cups is representative of the emotional water element in astrology…Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.  Astrologically, it is ruled by Jupiter in the zodiac sign of Pisces.  I was born with Jupiter at 3 degrees of Pisces, which is Jupiter’s natural ruler.  Jupiter is very happy in Pisces, unless there are many other mitigating factors to consider.  In this case, it is a wish fulfillment message.  At the least, it is suggesting I will indulge in simple pleasures that inspire me or make me happy. 

The Five of Pentacles symbolize my biggest challenge this week, astrologically symbolized by Mercury in Taurus.  It’s symbolic of the earth element.  However, the number five symbolizes challenge.  In this case, the challenges can be physical and/or financial.  A few keywords for this card are hardship, isolation, struggle, and feelings of lack.  I wince when I pull this card because I have been struggling with continuous flare-ups of chronic Lyme disease since July 2023.  I do sometimes feel isolated because I cannot do all the things I would do if I was feeling very healthy.  Many people do not understand this illness.  I will receive comments such as….well, at least you don’t look sick, or just rest and don’t force anything until you feel better.   I am sick and tired of resting!  I know people mean well, but it’s still frustrating a lot of the time.  This card reminds me that all is not lost.  The light streaming through the window symbolizes hope, help and healing.  I need to keep focusing on this rather than complain and feel sorry for myself.

The fountain card represents a gift, blessing or ray of hope this week.  I could not have pulled a more powerful card!  In this particular deck, the creator added card beyond the 22 major arcana cards which represent big archetypal themes playing out in our lives.  I will quote the deck author’s description of this archetype…”…relinquish all illusion of control and remain quiet.  It invites you to observe, masterless and to just be.”

Meaning:  oneness, a moment of cosmic clarity, fully awake, the end of seeking, enlightened being, surrender to that which you are, whole and perfect.

This is a profound message for me to contemplate this coming week.

source:  The Fountain Tarot


The Astrology Forecast for the month of March 2025


Neptune in Pisces aligns with the North Node in Pisces….an unprecedented alignment!