The Astrology Forecast for the month of March 2025
On the evening of February 22, 2025 (10:47 PM ET US), Neptune was EXACTLY conjoined to the North Node at 28 degrees of Pisces and 9 minutes. This alignment is historically significant for many reasons. It is extremely rare for these two to join together. The last time they came together at this exact degree was March 1, 1206, and the last time they came together in Pisces was January 18, 1858. Please see my last post on this particular alignment in 1858. One example of this period was the Mary Apparitions such as Lourdes in France, knock in Ireland, and Fatima in Portugal. The water sign Pisces is ruled by Neptune (modern ruler) and Jupiter (traditional ruler). Pisces keywords are dreams, compassion, unconditional love, intuition, psychic abilities, idealism, creative imagination, mysticism, spirituality, sensitivity, selflessness, sympathetic, unworldly, romantic, artistic and poetic. The more troublesome side of Pisces can manifest as addiction, deception, escapism, difficulty setting boundaries, and inability to face reality. Individuals with a strong Pisces signature in their charts can feel emotionally drained at times and need alone time to retreat to process their feelings.
Astrology Weather Report for March 2025
The North Node symbolizes where we are challenged to grow into unfamiliar territory regarding the above mentioned themes. We are being asked to trust in the unseen or unknown and evolve in all the Pisces themes. That does not mean it is easy to do! The universe is basically saying this is where work needs to done to develop our understanding in this lifetime.
The planet Mars will FINALLY station direct at 17 degrees of Cancer on February 23, 2025. Mars is the planetary archetype of action, drive, ambition, passion and courage. It can also manifest as accidents, anger, aggression and impulsiveness. It stationed retrograde in fire sign Leo at 6 degrees on December 6, 2025. Mars rules fire sign Aries, and is most comfortable in the fire sign element. Mars moved very slowly back into water sign Cancer which is all about emotions, feelings, safety, nurturing and sensitivity. Mars is not very comfortable in Cancer as its natural expression is more outwardly expressed.
How we experience a retrograde cycle individually depends upon where it is happening in our natal birth chart. On a basic level, the retrograde in Cancer can be channeled into taking better care of our emotions and reflecting on and healing old wounds from the past. During a retrograde cycle, the planet is not technically moving backwards, however, it appears to station and move backwards as the planets orbit the Sun in varying speeds. Any frustrations, blockages, setbacks or volatile issues should resolve themselves, and we can move ahead with our desired goals. It will renter 0 degrees of Leo on April 18, 2025 and return to the original station degree at 6 degrees of Leo on April 26, 2025.
We have more significant retrogrades coming up. Venus will station March 1 through April 12, 2025 starting at 10 degrees of Aries and move backwards to 24 degrees of Pisces, where it will also conjoin the stellium of of Mercury, Saturn, Neptune and the North Node. Venus goes retrograde every 18 months for 40 days. It forms a beautiful star formation as it completes its cycles over an eight year period as it hits pivotal points during this time. During a Venus Retrograde cycle, we are reassessing our values, finances and relationships of all kinds whether personally or professionally. Venus is the planet symbolizing our love language in our individual birth charts.
Mercury, the planet that rules communication, stations retrograde at 9 degrees of Aries on March 15, 2025. It will station direct on April 7, 2025 at 26 degrees of Pisces. This particular cycle happens three to four times a year for three weeks. This a good time to slow down and not rush in all matters pertaining to Mercury’s domain: communication, learning and transportation. It is wise to reconfirm travel reservations, revisit incomplete projects or ideas and basically keep a sense of humor if things get frustrating due to mistakes or delays.
On March 14, 2025 we have a Full Moon lunar eclipse at 23 degrees of Virgo in opposition to the Sun at 23 degrees Pisces conjunct Saturn, Neptune and the North Node. This could feel like a tense or high strung time as the polarity between attention to details and practicalities is polarized with the need to focus on imagination, creativity and idealistic goals.
On March 29, 2025 we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 9 degrees of Aries. Though Venus is still retrograde, this is a good time to channel our energy into action and getting things done in whatever areas of life are important to us.
Lastly, during the month of March, Neptune will enter O degrees of Aries for the first time since April 13, 1861 as it has a 165 year cycle. This is very significant, especially if you have planets in early degrees of cardinal signs Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn. It will briefly reenter Pisces before it settles into Aries for a 14 year period in late January 2026.
As I look at these cycles, I see a lot happening at the 9 and 10 degrees of Aries and 23, 24 and 26 degrees of Pisces. These are hot spots in our birth maps.