Personal Tarot Reading For Venus Retrograde Cycle In March 2025
Tarot deck used is the SACRED SHE TAROT by Ma Deva Padma.
Venus is currently going through the early phase of its retrograde cycle from 10 degrees of Aries, tracing a path back to 24 degrees of Pisces. In recent years past, I was busy helping my family and caregiving for my elderly parents and did not have the time to pay close attention to how this cycle was impacting me personally. As a professional Astrologer, I understand the transits, progressions, and current planetary returns aspecting my natal birth chart. However, there is still some mystery, especially during retrograde cycles, regarding how specific themes will play out in my reality.
I decided to create a Tarot spread of how this particular Venus Retrograde cycle will impact me personally. Venus traces a pentagram or rose in the sky over an 8-year period. This post will not go into detail about the beauty and symmetry of this star formation. I will recommend a few books below if you would like to explore.
I chose 8 cards based on the following questions. Tarot enthusiasts can apply this spread to their own lives, adding nuanced layers of understanding beyond book knowledge.
Card 1 – What is the major overarching theme that will eventually become apparent to me during and/or after this cycle is complete? I pulled a Major Arcana card to symbolize this, as these 22 cards represent major life experiences and themes.
Card 2 – What still remains unseen or unconscious during the early weeks of this cycle in my own life?
Cards 3, 4, and 5 – Where am I ready to either shift my perception or life direction? What no longer serves my highest good?
Cards 6, 7, and 8 – Where potentially is my life headed if I heed the wisdom of what I need to let go of? What themes will emerge in my life experiences going forward?
Card 1 – How awesome to see XVII UNDERSTANDING! This card symbolizes hope, inspiration, good health, and a reassurance that everything will be OK. I also see this card ruling over astrology. I have been studying new techniques in Hellenistic astrology, and I thoroughly enjoy collaborating and sharing in this group environment full of star seekers. The UNDERSTANDING is ruled by the zodiac sign Aquarius. I am reviewing changes I want to make in this particular area. In regard to my health, a chronic illness that flares up and down is being reevaluated by a new Naturopathic MD who is very knowledgeable about my issues.
Card 2 – X CHANGE (Wheel of Fortune Major Arcana card in a traditional deck). Another major theme suggesting changes are coming… changes that are beyond my control. What is unseen is my denial of major change if I know it will disrupt my life and possibly cause me unexpected upheaval. However, this card, ruled by the expansive and lucky planet Jupiter, also reveals that very positive changes could be manifesting in my life as well. This card reminds me that change is the only certainty in this life. We can choose to fight it or embrace it with a mindfulness that life is transitory.
Cards 3, 4, and 5 – 3 HEARTBREAK, 10 OVERLOAD, and 9 FEAR (3 of Swords, 10 of Wands, and 9 of Swords, respectively). Wow! These cards are difficult to look at, however, they are accurate! I have suffered much heartbreak over the years from losing my entire immediate family, followed by a flare-up of chronic Lyme disease and other challenges. I have felt burdened and yes… overloaded at times, by the weight of these losses and unpredictable health issues. I feel like I want to do so much, but I can get very tired and not accomplish my goals. The Fear card symbolizes a worrying and overactive mindset that worries if the next “shoe is going to drop,” so to speak. It’s a waste of my energy, and I need to work at shifting all this to move forward. I recently started a meditation practice… only ten minutes per day, but it’s a start. I am cleaning up my diet even more and not having that glass of wine every night to relieve tension. I am making progress step by step.
Cards 5, 6, and 7 – 1 FLOW, II SELF EXPRESSION, and VI LOVE (Ace of Cups, Knight of Cups, and The Lovers cards, respectively). Water represents emotions; in this case, a healthy and flowing expression of happy emotions. LOVE can symbolize love of anything or anyone significant in our lives, be it animal or human. It is also symbolic of an important choice, romance, a desired career bringing contentment, and beauty in all its forms. It may symbolize choosing a path that feeds my soul and spirit.
Book recommendations:
If you are interested in studying the Venus Star cycle, I highly recommend Venus Star Rising by Arielle Guttman and The Light of Venus by Adam Gainsburg.